Friday 15 May 2020

Installing Docker UCP fails with "unable to run install step "Deploy Kubernetes API Server": unable to reconcile state of Kubernetes API"

I was deploying Docker EE with the Universal Control Plane to Azure VM's and was hit with the error "unable to run install step "Deploy Kubernetes API Server": unable to reconcile state of Kubernetes API" late on in the process to deploy the UCP.

The first step to fix this was to scrub all of the half baked deployment of UCP, this can be done using the following commands:

docker swarm leave --force

docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
docker system prune -a
docker secret rm ucp-auth-key

The reason the installation fails here is because of an empty JSON file which is missing from /etc/kubernetes - the /kubernetes folder is actually not there either.

Use the following commands to create /kubernetes along with the empty azure.json file which will resolve the installation error:

cd /

cd etc
mkdir kubernetes
sudo chmod a+rwx /etc/kubernetes
sudo echo "" > azure.json

Hopefully this was helpful.