Thursday 29 August 2019

Windows Virtual Desktop - New-RdsTenant throws error "User is not authorized to query the management service." due to Azure AD permission error.

When you try to create a new Windows Virtual Desktop tenant you run the command

New-RdsTenant -Name "Windows Virtual Desktop Betts" -AadTenantId "xxxxx" -AzureSubscriptionID "xxxxxx"

And are faced with the error "New-RdsTenant : User is not authorized to query the management service.". This is due to a permission configuration problem on Azure AD. 

Before you get to the stage of creating a new WVD tenant you must complete the consent process to grand access to your AAD tenant, this can be done here

Once it is done you will notice two new objects under Enterprise Applications for Windows Virtual Desktop, click on the first one. 

You must add a new user account with TenantCreator permissions before you can create a new WVD tenant. Please note that the Global Admin account for the directory does not work, it must be TenantCreator

Once you have a TenentCreator, ensure you authenticate to your directory at the Add-RdsAccount stage using this account before you attempt to create a new WVD tenant. This is where you will be faced with "User is not authorized to query the management service." even if you use a Global Admin account.