
Thursday, 27 November 2014

Active Directory "Changing the Primary Domain DNS name of this computer to "" failed. The name will remain "name.domain". The error was: No mapping between account names and security ID's was done. when attempting to add Windows Server 2008 R2 Server to Domain. C:\Windows\Debug\NetSetup "NetpSetDnsHostNameAndSpn: NetpGetcomputerObjectDn Failed: 0x534"

After some rebuilding of lab VM's you have recreated a VM, assigned an IP and are now trying to re-join the domain. You are attempting to use the same hostname as the VM had previously, the old Computer Objects have been deleted from Active Directory. When you try to join the domain you receive the error "Changing the Primary Domain DNS name of this computer to "" failed. The name will remain "name.domain". The error was: No mapping between account names and security ID's was done. "

To look further into this issue I opened up the C:\Windows\Debug\NetSetup log file and it stated "NetpSetDnsHostNameAndSpn: NetpGetcomputerObjectDn Failed: 0x534".
After some research there was loads of blogs stating the error "NetpSetDnsHostNameAndSpn: NetpGetcomputerObjectDn Failed: 0x534" could be resolved by disabling NetBIOS etc, I was not convinced as it was functioning correctly the day before. To check on the health of the domain I used the command dcdiag /a from one of the Domain Controllers.
The dcdiag /a returned the following errors
"0x0000165B The session setup from computer "blank hostname" failed because the security database does not contain a trust account "blank hostname" referenced by the specified computer."
"0x000016AD The session setup from the computer "blank hostname" failed to authenticate."
The issue in this case was down to my own patience, I had deleted the old computer objects on one of the Domain Controllers. As the replication topology was configured to replicate every 15 minutes the other DC's in the domain had not received the directory changes.
The quick fix was to force and Active Directory replication from the Active Directory Sites and Services MMC.
When I tried to add another VM to the domain it worked without issue and the computer object appeared under the default Computers OU as expected.